About Stillpoint Institute

Empowering individuals to find joy, purpose, value, and meaning during life's Most challenging times.

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Justina M. “Jamie” Hale, LCSW, FT.

LCSW #76074

Licensed Clinical Social Worker | Certified Fellow in Thanatology

A portrait of Stillpoint Institute founder Jamie Hale

Stillpoint Institute History and Philosophy

Stillpoint Institute was co-founded in 1998 following the sudden loss of a young family member who possessed unique and dynamic spiritual gifts. Stillpoint's associates grew to clinically support those dedicated to following a path of Self-Study and Meditation. Now, inspired through years of Hospice work and her own grief journeys with family, friends, life partner and organization co-founder - Jamie takes its specialty toward applying ancient wisdom principles fully into the areas of death, dying, and bereavement. Its purpose is to seek and discover the new beginning in every ending - and reclaim the inherent Joy of Being.

"Listening is the still point of all human interaction..."


Justina M. "Jamie" Hale was born in New York, raised also in the Midwest, and now enjoys living in Northern California's beautiful mountain-surrounded Sacramento Valley and Pacific Coastline.

She has spent the last 45+ years of her personal growth journey empowering and mentoring seekers that include clients, students, medical practitioners, patients, families, and fellow therapists.  

Experienced as a Hospital, Hospice, Palliative, and Home Health Medical Social Worker; as a Faculty Staff Member in Graduate Psychology; as a Psychiatric Clinic Supervisor; and in years of Independent Private Practice.

She incorporates Psychotherapeutic, Case Management, and Mindfulness-based meditation interventions uniquely designed for each support need. Jamie is personally and professionally skilled in promoting quality of life during chronic, acute, and terminal illnesses.

She asks compassionate questions that empower decision-making, assist psycho-spiritual development, and facilitate alignment with our innate healing potential.

A favorite expression:

"The Universe is more clever than you know."

Recognitions and Certifications.

Locally awarded Social Worker of the Year in 2020  "For her focus on quality of life with those facing acute, chronic, and terminal illnesses.”

2014 - Current. Co-facilitator of The Mystic Misfits and Airmid Council - groups for local physicians to discuss applied philosophy and service to their community.

Certified Fellow in Thanatology through the Association for Death Education and Counseling since 2009

Certified Trainer with End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) - Long Beach, CA 2007

Education in Palliative and End-Of-Life Care (EPEC) Certified Trainer - Northwestern University 2009

Certificate for Commitment to the Advancement of Quality Home Care and Outstanding Service from the California Association for Health Services at Home, 2000.

Justina M. “Jamie” Hale, LCSW, FT.

LCSW #76074

Licensed Clinical Social Worker | Certified Fellow in Thanatology

Our founder, Jamie Hale sitting against a wall with her legs crossed.

Stillpoint Institute History and Philosophy

Stillpoint Institute was co-founded in 1998 following the sudden loss of a young family member who possessed unique and dynamic spiritual gifts. Stillpoint's associates grew to clinically support those dedicated to following a path of Self-Study and Meditation. Now, inspired through years of Hospice work and her own grief journeys with family, friends, life partner and organization co-founder - Jamie takes its specialty toward applying ancient wisdom principles fully into the areas of death, dying, and bereavement. Its purpose is to seek and discover the new beginning in every ending - and reclaim the inherent Joy of Being.

"Listening is the still point of all human interaction..."


Justina M. "Jamie" Hale was born in New York, raised also in the Midwest, and now enjoys living in Northern California's beautiful mountain-surrounded Sacramento Valley and Pacific Coastline.

She has spent the last 45+ years of her personal growth journey empowering and mentoring seekers that include clients, students, medical practitioners, patients, families, and fellow therapists.  

Experienced as a Hospital, Hospice, Palliative, and Home Health Medical Social Worker; as a Faculty Staff Member in Graduate Psychology; as a Psychiatric Clinic Supervisor; and in years of Independent Private Practice.

She incorporates Psychotherapeutic, Case Management, and Mindfulness-based meditation interventions uniquely designed for each support need. Jamie is personally and professionally skilled in promoting quality of life during chronic, acute, and terminal illnesses.

She asks compassionate questions that empower decision-making, assist psycho-spiritual development, and facilitate alignment with our innate healing potential.

A favorite expression:

"The Universe is more clever than you know."

Recognitions and Certifications.

Locally awarded Social Worker of the Year in 2020  "For her focus on quality of life with those facing acute, chronic, and terminal illnesses.”

2014 - Current. Co-facilitator of The Mystic Misfits and Airmid Council - groups for local physicians to discuss applied philosophy and service to their community.

Certified Fellow in Thanatology through the Association for Death Education and Counseling since 2009

Certified Trainer with End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) - Long Beach, CA 2007

Education in Palliative and End-Of-Life Care (EPEC) Certified Trainer - Northwestern University 2009

Certificate for Commitment to the Advancement of Quality Home Care and Outstanding Service from the California Association for Health Services at Home, 2000.



Intuitive Assessment and Coaching Plan

Individual, couple, or family consulting to enhance coping skills and personal relationships, deepen self-awareness, and explore practical problem-solving through medically traumatic events.A Concierge approach - "C.A.R.E." service tenets for each unique situation: Counseling, Advocacy, Referral, and Education.

"How do I navigate this challenging time?..."

"What am I supposed to learn?..."

Transformative Grief Counseling

When faced with loss, grief education and counseling can promote healing, renewal, and emergence into higher levels of Love. Holding space, sharing, and utilizing mindfulness-based skills facilitate our natural ability to transform and transcend suffering.

"What is the purpose of this pain?..."

"Will my Mourning ever be complete?..."

End-of-Life Resolution

We will all leave this world - as we have lived in it. What remains internally unresolved can be facilitated toward acceptance, inner peace, and preparation for "a good death". Counseling is offered for patients and their family members to face these difficult and truthful conversations - alone or together.

"How do I find acceptance?..."

"How can I ideally help my loved one?..."

Clinical and Professional Training

Many in the medical world do not have time or courage to discuss hard truths - or to listen to human responses. It can be called "professional pain".  Experiential training is offered for effective approaches to the toughest conversations - during the toughest times - for clients, patients, and their families: communication strategies, maintaining compassion, and self-care skill-building.

“I need to know more to help my grieving clients…"

"I'd like to become proficient at facing difficult realities..."

Spiritual Path Guidance

It is well known that the yearning for spiritual development and freedom from conditioned limits leads to self-sustaining benefits in life. Mystical traditions from around the world are reflectively incorporated to expand one's contemplative path to abiding Joy.

"Can I be more solidly in the world and not of it?..."

"Is it time to look in the mirror?..."

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Jamie ....the one who is experienced and seasoned enough to demonstrate that she knows that within each of us is a unique, divine, intelligent spark that is underneath all of the appearances of our perceived "issues". I have witnessed her to relentlessly inspire that spark, given at birth, simply by knowing it's there. How does she know? She has traveled the inner path and found her own, and will not tell you about you. However, she is a trustworthy companion as you return to the place beyond the programmed learned culturally accepted responses. She doesn't have answers for you. However, she can ask you the questions that will lead you to the place where the you hear your own "answers". She will not try to teach you. She will share the journey with you. Jamie is not a professional expert. She is an evolving human being who has been here awhile and one of the guides to your still point that is your guide. She is not your "expert". She knows YOU are.

Moe Ross

Founder and Director

Miographies and The Unscripted School of Healing

Masterful, Compassionate, Genuine, Artist, Brave, Deep, Safe, Brilliant, Insightful, Engaged, Honest, Thoughtful, Passionate, Respectful, Ethical, Challenging and an Out Of The Box Maverick: these all describe Jamie Hale I know so well. I have watched her grow from an 18year old college idealist to a mature, wise, loving and spiritual guiding light. As a fellow therapist I trust her judgement implicitly and love nothing better than to spend time with her intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually as we foster growth in one another.

Janet M. Kennedy


Jamie provides consultation services to a wide variety of patients. She does an amazing job with assisting to transition a patient to palliative/comfort care with grace and dignity. I cannot put words on how much she improves the lives of our patients when they are at our hospital. We are truly lucky to have her.

Emily DeFillipo

CEO of Vibra Hospital Of Northern California

"I have known Jamie personally and professionally most of my life. She is warm, kind, compassionate, and an exceptionally skilled therapist. She will gently guide you through a process of locating the root of your troubles - identifying the beliefs and unresolved feelings that hold you back from actualizing your full potential; you will find your true self. My personal growth work with her has profoundly impacted my life and inspired my own career in social work and psychotherapy."

Maureen Seifert


I have known Justina Hale for the last 20 years as my teacher, mentor and friend. I call her endearingly “Jamie.” You feel a presence beyond this world in the enlightenment, validation and comfort of her words and knowledge. Jamie’s wisdom is held in vast capacity while most of her gift to you is her listening presence. She takes it all in and gives it a name, an honor and if you’re lucky, a quick-witted quip that brings several pieces together in one fell swoop. She’s helped me make sense of it all in my many phases and I couldn’t imagine what life would look like had she not helped me lift the veil, understand my potential as a therapist and teach me the importance of mind, body, heart and soul presence in the therapy room. Jamie helps me grow even today, only now I sit beside her decades later and proudly call her my colleague.

Jastej Dillon


I was so fortunate to have Jamie as our Hospice Social Worker for my husband Dr.  Ronald Speigle during his end of life period 2015-2016. She helped us with such amazing skill and grace.  When she came into our lives it made a huge difference.  Our lives went from hopeless to manageable with even moments of joy. Jamie was able to communicate wonderfully with my husband who had lost much of his cognitive abilities.  She also made a positive difference in my life gently guiding me through a difficult time.  Her help with, and knowledge of available resources was wonderful. I recently lost my sister and had a very different hospice experience. I am so happy to still have Jamie in my extended family and cannot say enough good things about her.

Gloria Speigle

Jamie Hale has been pivotal and an essential part of my emotional and spiritual growth… She has been able to give me the clarity I needed to cope with the emotional pain of my childhood traumas and helped me gain a healthier understanding and perspective. I couldn't be more thankful for this emotional insight that she has taught me.

Marianne Seifert

CEO of The Senior Source

I have known Justina “Jamie” for 18 years on a professional and personal basis. I have learned and continue to learn so much from her. She is a realist and is always there when you need her whether it be for a shoulder to lean on or a reality check, which is always done in a way to help one see the bigger picture. She is an agent of change and does her best to assist with helping people dive deeper into themselves with the goal of elevating their consciousness. Jamie is always the one I reach out to when I am stuck in a professional dilemma and she helps me sort out what is going on with the patient and guides me on how to assist them further in their journey. I am blessed to be able to call her my friend and mentor.

Julie Sessions


Justina “Jamie” Hale is an amazing person with knowledge, grace and charm. She is a trained Thanatologist which is a multi-disciplinary field dedicated to better understanding death, dying, grief, loss, and bereavement. As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), Jamie has the training, education and experience that has augmented her insightful, kind and loving demeanor. I have worked many cases with Jamie and have valued her input and expertise. Jamie and I have both experienced the tragic loss of our long term mates. Rich and I were married for 35 years and Jamie and Clarence were together almost 40 years.  We helped each other through the Death With Dignity challenges and the huge grief and loss issues. I highly recommend anyone working with Jamie to navigate the challenging and complicated end-of-life issues.

Dr. Patricia L. Bay

Psy.D., L.M.F.T.

I have had the opportunity to interact with Jamie Hale many times over the past few years.  What stands out to me the most about these interactions is how useful and beneficial they are to me.  I feel more centered and grounded as a person after my interactions with Jamie.  Because of these interactions, I feel more certainty to engage in self-acceptance while embracing the challenge to be better.  In addition, Jamie has so much wisdom from her numerous experiences as a medical social worker.  She has the unique ability to see the "bigger picture" and offers perspectives that others miss.  I have found that Jamie helps me to focus on the elements of my job that are truly important in helping others in their pain. I am grateful for my relationship with Jamie and how she has helped me and my students!

Joshua Wade Stuart


Professor in Shasta College - Department of Social Work

I have  known Jamie Hale for many years, as my mother and she worked together in a psychotherapeutic capacity prior to and later dealing with end of life challenges.  Jamie has been a stable, well educated, knowledgeable & professional oasis in the time of need for her patients. In helping with decision making for the ill, she is a resource for peace through the processing and recovery for the surviving families as well, including my own. Our family just loves Jamie and appreciates her advocacy during our time of need.

Cathleen Davis

Jamie is bright, down to earth, accomplished, humble, and in touch with your emotions.
She provides the best care to her patients…

Dr. Gurpreet Sandhoo

Owner of Excellence in Healthcare

A living room filled with furniture and a potted plant.



Healing happens gradually, one step at a time.



“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?

— John 14:1-2



Mindfulness? Easy.
Breathe - and pay attention - without judgment - to all that you are experiencing in the present moment.
Like Ram Dass said, "Be Here Now".



William Worden's Tasks of Mourning:

1. Accept the Reality.
2. Experience the Pain.
3. Adjust the Environment.
4. Re-Invest the Energy in Others.

— William Worden



"Only people who are capable of loving strongly can also suffer great sorrow, but this same necessity of loving serves to counteract their grief and heals them."

— Leo Tolstoy



"Grief is not a sign of weakness or a lack of faith; it is the price of love."
— Donna VanLiere
The Christmas Light



"Grief is Love with nowhere to go..."

— Jamie Anderson



The Four Things That Matter Most:‍
"Forgive Me For...
I Forgive You For...
Thank You For...
and... I Love You..."  
(And give permission to transition...)

— Ira Byock



"Surely there is no cause for you to be miserable and unhappy. You impose limitations on your Divine nature and then weep that you are but a finite being… Then you take up this or Sadhana to transcend the nonexistent limitations..."

— Ramana Maharshi


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I am happy to discuss adjustments for retainers or hardships, and our first consultation will determine a mutual fit.